Posts Tagged ‘Business advice’
Practical Business Advice That Works
Business Advice Your Business Activity Statement Are you lodging BAS returns on time? Most businesses need to lodge their business activity statement, (BAS) each quarter (i.e. 1st July to 30th September). Your BAS returns due date depends on whether or not you do it yourself or use a tax agent. However we find that completing…
Read MoreSuperstream Compliance Update
ATO and SuperStream Compliance The Australian Taxation Office has extended the SuperStream compliance deadline from 30th June to 28th October 2016 for small businesses. To recap, SuperStream is electronic payments for super that pay many funds in one transaction. All that is needed from your employee is: Tax file number Employees super fund ABN Unique…
Read MoreFringe Benefits Tax and Employment
Employees and Fringe Benefits Tax Small business owners should consider carefully fringe benefits tax and casual employees. Rostering on casual labour is a fantastic way to ensure full staff coverage for important events or busy times. Each year the holiday period for businesses is a busy time, one where extra staff is crucial. Employing…
Read MoreAsset Protection Can Save You Thousands Of Dollars
Are your business assets protected? As you know, asset protection for business is as important as managing them and protecting your future is just as important. If not more so, especially whilst building for your future. There are many ways to minimise your risk whilst reaping…
Read MoreNatural Disasters And Your Finances
Small business and natural disaster preparation Small business and natural disaster preparation is something that should be in your business planning. Generally, our office houses all our important documents right down to our children’s first teeth. All easily accessible at any time we may need those records. What would happen though if disaster struck…
Read MoreSolutions For Common Business Problems
Plan and Relieve Uncertainty Uncertainty in the market place creates the need to focus on the present, neglecting the future needs and growth of the business. Therefore it’s important to balance short term goals with a long term approach. Short term results are just that and a business does not survive the long haul without…
Read MoreHow To Use Your Businesses Terms and Conditions To Your Advantage
What are your businesses terms and conditions? Here is some advice on business terms and conditions. For example, 60 day terms has been a growing trend for several years now and one that should be approached with caution. Ideally, 60 day terms, should be provided to those clients who have proven to be responsible with your…
Read MoreHow To Build Great Customer Relationships.
Are your customer relationships solid? Some advice about building better customer relationships and why to make it integral to your business. Treat people the way you want to be treated! A motto many of us live by. So put yourself in the shoes of your customers. Would you be happy with the service, relationship…
Read MoreBuilders Tax Obligations
Taxable payments annual report. Taxable payments in the building and construction industry. Since 1st July 2012 businesses in the building and construction industry have been obligated to report to the tax office the total payments made to contractors for the financial year by submitting a ‘Taxable payments annual report’. Businesses in the building and…
Read More5 Tips for Small Business on Business Debtors
Do you follow up overdue accounts? Tip 1: It always amazes me as to how many people neglect to review their businesses debtors list and chase up any overdue invoices. If you’re a one man/woman show so to speak, then you will know that sending out and following up on invoices is time consuming, especially…
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