A middle age man looking at a document

Starting January 1, 2025, all property sellers in Australia, including foreign investors, must obtain an Australian Tax Office (ATO) clearance certificate.  Clearance Certificate: A Must-Have for Property Sales Your Clearance certificate is to show the Australian government if you are an Australian resident or non-resident. As a non-resident, you will have to pay 15% withholding…

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Surcharges on foreign property investors on top of land tax

Non-resident property owners in Australia are bracing for significant changes in the real estate landscape come January 1, 2025. These changes will introduce new surcharges and increased tax rates that could dramatically impact the financial viability of overseas investments. We were again featured in The Sun newspaper (Malaysia) alongside our expert partners. Please read the…

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Overseas Property Investors beware of your Australian taxes

Overseas Investors with Australian property – Beware of taxes (Read our article that appeared in The Star Publications, Malaysia).  Click here to Download the article from The Star Publications: Overseas Property Investors beware of Australian taxes Text from article:  Investors with Australian property: Beware of Australian Taxes By Karina Foo  MALAYSIAN property investors with assets…

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capital gains tax for overseas investors

In short: Yes. And there’s no escaping it. As a foreign property investor in Australia, you are subject to Capital Gains Tax (CGT). While you do not pay for the Medicare Levy, your taxes from any income as a non-resident still applies with the following income tiers:  $0 – $135k = 30 cents to a…

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foreign investors in australia

Are you a foreign investor in Australian property? If so, it is imperative that you understand your tax obligations in Australia to avoid penalties and unnecessary high tax debt.  From JANUARY 1st, 2025, the Australian Tax Office (ATO) is expected to announce big changes on withholding tax that will affect all overseas investors.  This article…

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Clearance Certificate TJD Accounting Services Pty Ltd

Tax payers selling properties valued at $2 million and above must obtain from the ATO a ‘Clearance Certificate’. The new withholding tax rule was introduced from 1st July 2016 and has been designed with foreign investors in mind who purchase properties from Australian residents.  The certificate is there to ensure Capital Gains tax obligations are…

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