asset protection for business TJD Accounting Sevices small business management advice on how to use business assets to your advantage financially

  Are your business assets protected?                 As you know, asset protection for business is as important as managing them and protecting your future is just as important. If not more so, especially whilst building for your future. There are many ways to minimise your risk whilst reaping…

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Why do we need Terms and Conditions

What are your businesses terms and conditions? Here is some advice on business terms and conditions. For example, 60 day terms has been a growing trend for several years now and one that should be approached with caution. Ideally, 60 day terms, should be provided to those clients who have proven to be responsible with your…

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Planning ahead for your business

What last minute Tax planning can you do? Your best plan is to start your tax planning at the beginning of the year. Finding deductions and limiting income is a minor part of tax planning. Good structure and strategies will set you up for the long term tax advantages with the bonus of Asset protection.…

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